Monday, February 7, 2011

Building a fashion brand

Building a brand is a process that branding company is taking - to define, produce and launch a brand. The complete process of building a brand typically includes five stages:
Brand building step a - stage study:
 Building a brand must be based on market surveys and public opinion research, the understanding of the target audience and understanding of competitors, whether existing or potential. Outcome of the study is the identification and finding of "added value" offered to the consumer with the purchase of the brand.
Brand building step b - creating the strategy:
 Based on the data research, options are examined; set "brand promise" attributed to the brand, and defined brand's unique identity.
Brand building step c - development of principles of "brand language” that will be promoted the brand in the market.
Brand building step d - implementation of the "brand language" through creative processes (creative) of creating the brand. At this stage of building a brand, its name, its colors, its logo, packaging and design form, the method of promotion, the website for it, in fact every element that will show in the public are defined. Brand-building process at this stage involve experts in various fields - design, advertising, sales promotion, public relations and so on.
Brand building step h - The introduction and support:
 Building a brand does not end with the launch - a brand-building process must continue to monitor and close control, which may in turn lead to further developments and brand improvements.  The added value of the brand tested and appreciated, if necessary, modification or other improvements will be carried out, - all in order to maintain the "brand promise" given to the consumer. Building a brand is therefore long and complex process. Each step in the process of building a brand based on its predecessor, and yet expects the infrastructure to the next level. Building a brand is not necessarily a good process - sometimes it turns out that the result is unsatisfactory, and then amended the process of building a brand or even start again. Building a good brand can take a long time even years and the process of building successful brand cost a lot of money. Therefore, building a brand with significant potential must be handed over experienced and a reliable company, which will correctly carry out the brand building and will control and repair it if necessary.

Brand is a concept in marketing. The word" brand "does not mean any product but a collection of perceptions, feelings and attitudes held by consumers in relation to a particular. This name can be the name of a company, the name of a product or product line, the name of a service, the name of a
non-profit organization of, the name of a tourist site, the name of a political party and even the name of an individual. Collection of these emotions and attitudes is the "brand assets", and reflects what consumers think and feel about the name brand. We can say then, that the brand exists only in one place - in the minds of consumers.
Product that is related in the consciousness of consumers with a positive brand will gain demand and success; products that are related with negative feelings or opinions will fail and disappear from the shelves. That is, consumers' thoughts and feelings can also refer to a specific product. Where then is the difference between a brand and a product?
The secret difference lies in the value added. The brand gives to the consumer of the product value-added, or benefit, whether it is a real benefit (rational) or only emotional benefit. From the consumer aspect he/she is willing to pay extra cost for this benefit. The extra cost that the consumer agrees to pay for the branded is called in the marketing world “premium brand."
With the beginning of the modern marketing in the twentieth century, the term "brand" referred only to the external characteristics of the product or corporation: name (e.g.: Ford), a
catchy slogan, trademark (e.g., Chevrolet's Cross manufactured by GM), symbol (logo - for example: M of McDonald's), color (for example, the colors of media companies), a typical design (for example, Apple's consumer electronics) and so on. Now it is acceptable to define the external and visual characteristic as only part of the brand - is its brand identity.

The purpose of brand identity is to help the brand to pass its brand promise to the consumer, to help consumers to identify the brand, and associate the brand with its marketing communications. When companies announce a "rebranding" and change only the external
characteristic - symbol, color, shape, packaging – they are actually change just the brand identity. So what is the meaning of the “re-branding declaration? What is basically the meaning of "branding"?

The added value of the brand is the additional benefit that the brand offers to the consumer - over the same product or similar product that is not branded. The additional benefit of this we can classified as rational or emotional benefit, some call it accessible benefit or benefit that is not accessible.
Rational benefit is the benefit that can be sense, measure and assessment: product strength, speed, quality, the material it is built, its durability, ease of weight, unique taste and so on. Emotional benefit is conceptually ideas such as self-fulfillment, social class, status, self-indulgent, self-expression, emotional compensation (the deprivation caused by a particular reality), and more.
Rational benefit provides the brand
advantage on the competitors, this advantage is held until they give the same benefit (or even larger than) in the competition between them. Therefore, a rational benefit is usually temporary. Emotional benefit creates an emotional connection between the consumer and the brand, so it creates an advantage over time.

Essentially, differentiation is the brand difference from its competitor’s. This difference must be expressed on two levels:
1. Level of a unique brand promise;
2. Level of visibility and a branded language that is unique to the brand.
Differentiation is essential to the success of the brand. Brand that does not offer a unique brand promise, or that the promise is not displayed in the branded language that associated with the brand, the consumers will see it as an imitation (in the language of marketing: Me Too) to other brands, and will not be able to collect from consumers the premium brand.

Re-branding is the marketing process base on consumer research, which creates a new brand promise and more relevant. This was done after the previous brand promise did not cause consumers to prefer the brand, or after it became irrelevant. Well known example is "Marlboro" cigarettes made  by Philip Morris .At the beginning of the way it was labeled as woman cigarettes with brand promise for women with saying "Mild as May" ("soft as May, word games - like a gentle woman named May who appeared on posters advertising). Marketing failure and luck of success among consumers caused to re-branding process which has changed almost all aspects of brand: the product, brand promise, brand language, visibility on the shelf, and more.

From gentle female-oriented cigarette (which promised among other things that will not stick lipstick stains on it) cigarette Marlboro has changed to strong male-oriented (tough this morning - "the Marlboro man") that guarantees the bond's sense of wild freedom, its sense of deep roots in the American ethos.
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